Monday 8 July 2013

People! phew...

Why do people lie? Most lies are told by folks who are closest to you. People who are in love with each other, siblings, spouses, friends, parents to children and vice versa…the list is endless. None of these ‘close’ and ‘important’ relationships are free from the vice called ‘lies’.

So…what makes such beautiful bonds of human connect be eroded, if not destroyed, by an utterly silly and superficial behavior? I have tried to reason it out in all possible ways – there is a plethora of information available on the net, which points towards all categories of causes – from social to psychological to chemical issues. Google –  I totally love you, but you do have a tendency of complicating things J

Sensitive liars (J ?) lie because they think that the truth may hurt the other person. Selfish liars do so as they see some personal gain as an output. Harmless liars are the ones who make up small stories, change some details to impress others; this category is the least dangerous of the lot. The other end of the spectrum has compulsive liars, who lie for anything and everything. These are the ones you don’t want to come across in your life.

So, what do you do in situations where you encounter the beast – the liar who, so callously fibs his way through? Ignore or Confront? I know there is no ‘right’ way to handle this touchy situation. A lot depends on the circumstances as much as on the personalities of the people involved.

So, do you find yourself anywhere in this blog? J